Free Webinar on Mastering Premiere Pro Timeline – Friday 9/30


Mastering the Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline Panel – by Richard Harrington

The timeline panel in Adobe Premiere Pro is where the story comes together. Sure there's standard operations like Insert and Overwrite as well as the ability to Ripple and Roll. But once you dig in, you'll find much more. In this session you'll learn essential operations and advanced features like replace edit, creating custom transitions, and using Adobe Dynamic Link to exchange files with Adobe After Effects and Audition. The session is being run by Richard Harrington of RHED Pixel.

The class is on Friday, September 30, at 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST.
Just go to the Adobe Connect Room:

The room will open up 15 minutes before the session starts. At this time, please sign in as a guest to join.

To check the session start time for other time zones follows:
The signup for the event is on Facebook (but you don't need an account). This will send you reminders about the event.