What I Remember About 9/11

NOTE: This is a personal statement and has nothing to do with technology or video. It does have to do with my core beliefs and events that have shaped me. It is opinionated and it is emotional. I originally only posted it to a private Facebook page, but was encouraged to share it. I hope it makes you think and believe that the world can be a better place.


What I remember most about today was being in a classroom teaching 1 mile away from the Pentagon.
We were just taking a break and a student said that a plane had just crashed into New York City. We were all confused and concerned.
This was before the news groups put much on the net.  This was before the web video revolution.  We just didn't know.
The first plane hit New York and we were stunned. Then the second and we knew something was terribly wrong.
Soon we could see the smoke and hear the sirens. Rumors that explosions and fires were throughout DC spread.  Students were panicked and we had to keep them calm.  I had to hold that classroom together and make sure that people didn't leave.
Eventually we all went home... numb. Everyone was driving about 3 miles and hour. All I could think about was my family and loved ones.  We couldn't really talk much, couldn't get a phone line.  Somehow I let people know that I was OK.
Got home to my wife... we all just sat there in shock.  I had to stop watching TV.  I couldn't stand to see what was happening.
Through work, I got to help a very important client.  The American Red Cross was my client and we put together several important commercials to raise money and help the healing.  I remember waiving most of my billing so I could help.

These are real people… not actors. These are true stories that I had the honor to edit.

It was hard to see the pain.  Even harder to look at the footage from Ground Zero that the Red Cross had and couldn't share. About a year after the event, I was asked to edit together footage to honor the first responders.
Here is a link to that video... it is very painful for me to watch.  But I think it helps people rise above.

What we need now is for the good in people to rise. We need a nation that is united in the belief of making a better world and not one where people just look out for themselves. We need to move past hatred, past partisanship, past economic inequity, and all of the things that just lead to greed and evil.
Now is the time to remember and rise.