The Return of the Save As Command

Recent versions of the Mac OS have decided that you weren't really smart enough when it came to saving your files. When you went to save a new version of a file, you'd be presented with options like Duplicate, Revert, and Move To. I (and many others) found them terribly confusing.


Now with Mac OS 10.8.2 you can get the old commands back… the return of the Save As command:
"- Adds an option to discard the changes in the original document when choosing - Save As"
This is useful in the following scenario.

  1. You can choose to open an existing document.
  2. Modify it and make changes.
  3. Choose File > Save As (hold down the option key to access it).
  4. Save the file under a new name. The original file is closed without any changes being made to it.